James Thompson of Drumbo appreciates that using G-Lime gives him a much wider window of opportunity to get his ground back on track. He can apply G-Lime at a time that suits him and more importantly at a time that suits the land. By sampling his soil every year, James is aware of the nutritional requirements of every acre, whether that is destined to grow his own winter wheat or spring barley or on land to be rented out for potatoes or grazing. The knowledge of what his ground needs means that James wastes nothing and every application of G-Lime is utilised by the soil to its full benefit. James has been using G-Lime for many years and always buys it from the McKelvey Brothers of Ballynahinch ensuring that when he is ready to apply G-Lime he can get what he needs straight away.
Applying lime effectively is something that has challenged farmers over the years. Lack of lime application has manifested in the countryside today with pH levels sliding, resulting in poor swards of low yielding grasses and weeds. G-lime has proved its worth time and time again with farmers and growers alike realising how useful a product this is, following their purchase of it either directly from Thompsons or from their local Merchant. It is distributed with a traditional fertiliser spreader when it suits both weather conditions and time constraints, allowing farmers to visibly see the results on their valuable asset, land.
G-Lime, a registered trademark of Kilwaughter Lime, is a unique fast acting lime soil conditioner which is specially formulated to help manage soil pH - improving soil fertility while optimising crop and grass performance. G-lime is available exclusively through Thompsons who supply local merchants.
To find out about the benefits of G-lime contact your local Thompsons’ sales representative, or Belfast on 028 9035 1321.
Posted 26,03,14 by allison.
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Posted 19,08,24 by allison.
Posted 29,04,24 by allison.